Are you interested in KONE as a corporate business or a career opportunity?
Corporate siteIncrease building value
With the help of sustainable solutions and new elevator technology – including digital services that enhance connectivity and building adaptability, we can help you increase building value.
KONE DX Class Developers

Enhance productivity and accelerate construction
See our solutions in action
Your partner for productivity optimized green building
Time is money
With the help of our construction time use solutions you could arrive at project completion weeks, or even months, earlier. Want to find out how much time you could save? Submit your project details and get an estimate today.
Increase building value with connectivity
Future-proof your building and add new services with built-in connectivity

Increase building value and adaptability with smart digital elevators
The world's 1st carbon neutral elevator and elevator maintenance service
We're proud to offer the world's first carbon neutral elevator option, alongside a carbon neutral maintenance service for DX Class elevators. We are committed to helping you achieve your carbon neutrality targets and to working on reaching zero, together.
KONE DX Class Developers
Plan for success with KONE as your partner
Get in touch
You can use the form below to tell us more about how we can help you. One of our team will be in touch as soon as possible. [additional FL specific information about who will contact and when would be good to add if possible].
Sample form